What are Interrogatories in WA State

What are Interrogatories in Seattle, WA



When someone is in the middle of a personal injury case, it is important to understand how information is shared and evidence is gathered during the case. One commonly used method of gathering information and evidence is through the use of interrogatories. Interrogatories are used to help solidify the information needed to go forward with a successful case. This article aims to provide an overview of how interrogatories are used in a personal injury lawsuit, specifically within the state of Washington.

Interrogatories Explained

Interrogatories are a set of written questions that one side in a lawsuit sends to the other side to gather information and evidence. The word interrogatory may sound familiar, as it is a derivative of the word ‘interrogation.’ Interrogatories are a written form of interrogation that one party requires of the opposing party to make a writing under oath. The purpose of these questions is to gather relevant information and facts about the case from the opposing party. In personal injury cases, these answers under oath allow both sides of a lawsuit to obtain important information to support their arguments and build their respective cases during civil lawsuits.

The Role of Interrogatories in Washington State

The Washington State Court rules govern the use of interrogatories. The specific rules for interrogatories are found within Rule 26 of the Washington State Superior Court Civil Rules. Rule 26 outlines all types of discovery measures, including depositions, written interrogatories, and oral examinations. The types of interrogatory questions that can be asked, the format of answers, and other civil procedure issues are covered under Rule 26. The Court Rules are meant to ensure that the discovery process is fair and transparent for all parties involved.

Types of Interrogatory Questions

When interrogatories are used in a personal injury case, they generally include a variety of questions that are aimed to produce specific answers and information. Two general types of interrogatories are form interrogatories and special interrogatories. Form interrogatories are general questions that are not tailored to the specific case at hand. Special interrogatories are custom questions that are tailored to the specific case at hand.

Common questions include:

1. Background Information: These interrogatories include personal details such as names, addresses, employment history, and educational background. These interrogatories are meant to establish the identities and backgrounds of everyone involved in the case.
2. Incident Details: These interrogatories delve ask about the specifics of the personal injury event. It is common to ask about the circumstances surrounding the event, who was involved, if any witnesses were present, and any relevant documentation or evidence.
3. Injuries and Medical History: These interrogatories ask about any injuries sustained, what type of medical treatment was received, and any pre-existing medical conditions that any injured party has.
4. Financial Losses: These interrogatories ask about any financial losses that have been incurred. The different categories of financial losses that can be recovered include any medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and any other economic damages.
5. Expert Witnesses and Evidence: These interrogatories ask about any expert witnesses that will testify during the trial. Questions will also be asked about any evidence or documentation that any witness seeks to admit during trial.
6. Liability and Negligence: These interrogatories ask about issues related to liability and negligence. The specific questions will look to determine who is at fault, at what amount, and if there are multiple people who should be held liable.

Complying with Washington State Court Rules

If you are presented with interrogatories in a civil lawsuit in the state of Washington, it is critical that your answers comply with the Civil Rules, Local Rules, and relevant case law. Any answers that are given to interrogatory questions must be truthful, complete, and must follow all appropriate rules. If interrogatory answers don’t comply with rules, then the party violating the rules can face sanctions or dismissal of their case.

Benefits of Interrogatories

There are many benefits that parties can receive by using interrogatories to get answers to important questions in a case. Interrogatories allow parties to learn specific information, understand what facts are in dispute, and learn any additional evidence that can strengthen or weaken a case. Interrogatories also make litigation more economical by cutting out many depositions and other exams.


Interrogatories are a critical part of any case involving civil litigation in the state of Washington. The information gained from interrogatories help clarify and solidify legal positions of parties, and ultimately help get to settlements when cases are evident that they don’t need to be taken to trial. If a case does go to trial, then interrogatories can serve to lay the foundation of how a case is approached by the attorneys on each side. Either way, interrogatories serve a necessary purpose in helping a case meet its resolution.

How An Experienced Attorney Can Help

If you have the need to file a personal injury or other civil case, then it is important to speak to an experienced civil litigation attorney. An experienced civil litigation attorney can advocate on your behalf, help you assess the strengths and weaknesses of your case, and ultimately help you towards getting your best possible result. Carefully crafted interrogatories can be the difference in your case, and an experienced attorney has the knowledge and experience to know what questions to ask and how to ask them for your benefit. If you have any legal inquiries, do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Sofia Miguel today for professional assistance.

Sofia’s No Fee Guarantee

Attorney Sofia K. Miguel guarantees that you will never write a check to our law firm under Sofia’s “no fee guarantee.” Consultations are free and if your case is selected, then Sofia will also cover all your court costs incurred during your personal injury case.

Sofia only gets paid when you do. Her services will cost you nothing out of pocket; simple as that. Let Sofia’s nearly twenty years of experience in helping people recover from their injuries get to work for you now.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to an accident near Seattle, Puyallup, or Tacoma, WA, then contact us for an initial consultation with Sofia Miguel as she is ready to help you fight to get the money you deserve. Call us at 253-200-4471, come visit our office right here in Puyallup at 702 S. Hill Park Dr. #207, or contact us online anytime. We are here for you.

Personal Injury Attorney Puyallup

Sofia K. Miguel, Attorney

Sofia K. Miguel has extensive litigation experience; she has tried or arbitrated hundreds of cases throughout Western Washington. She graduated from Seattle University School of Law in 2000 and has 17 years’ experience representing injured people. She is a member of the Washington State Bar Association and an EAGLE member of the Washington State Association for Justice.

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